Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What to Read???????????????

If I had a dollar for every time I got asked "my child is above grade level in Reading, what should they read?" I would be a rich person. To be honest, reading is a personal choice. To be even more honest, it is a personal choice AND a conversation that parents and students need to have TOGETHER. I am MORE than happy to make suggestions, but to keep students reading, there needs to be a lot of choice involved.

However, as with most things, with higher literacy leveled books, comes more mature content, that just because your child CAN read them, they may not quite be ready TO READ them. That is where you and your child really need to have some conversations. But of course, I want to help you come up with a list of books that MAYBE your child would enjoy!!

The Children's Book Council produces, every year, a list of books that would be consider for those who are reading at a higher than grade level area. I would STRONGLY encourage all families (and students), regardless of reading level, to take a look at this list.  Many would make great read alouds or read alongs for everyone to do together, for maybe 20 to 30 minutes a day. They cover a great list of topics and interests, and I will admit, I have read a good majority of them, and I really enjoyed them, so they span MANY age levels. 😄

Please take a look at the list and if you need help in finding any of these books OR using the district AIM cards for your students, I am happy to help!

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